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Saturday, June 6, 2015

Too Much Poundage

The day started out gloomy, and for me, achy. I have fibromyalgia and any number of triggers can bring it on; I suspect this one was two days of cold rainy weather. After an hour of being up this morning, I took my best buddy, Cooper (a Shihtzu/Maltee mix) back to bed and with a couple hours of sleep. I feel much more human now.

One of my favorite places in the world is my own back yard. The road we live on is not widely traveled, and our home is back from the road. I've taken special pains to keep our backyard more like a retreat than a fancy flowerbed, and we love it. An old fence creates a boundary between our yard and the woods, and over the years I have scattered seeds of forget-me-not, bleeding heart and knotweed. The lawnmower keeps it all in check, yet it looks natural. I keep three birdfeeders filled, two with a mixture of songbird food and one with hummingbird food. I don't know what I did differently, but this year we have managed to attract two pair of Indigo Bunting and several Pileated Woodpeckers. I am keeping the birdbath cleaner this year, which I think has helped, since I've seen many birds using it.

 Jim just purchased a super DSL camera this week and I just know I will have some stunning pictures to share once he gets the hang of it.

An upcoming wedding has me excited, especially since they decided they didn't want anyone doing anything and have engaged a caterer.  It is supposed to be a very low-keyed wedding, centered on the family more than the ceremony. On the shores of Moosehead Lake in mid-July, what possibly can go wrong?\

I'm hoping to lose ten pounds by then (it's just about a month) and see no reason why I can't do it. I've been going to Zumba, which I LOVE, and doing yoga at home, aerobics at the gym.  If I can lose then ten pounds, I can feel fairly comfortable in a dress I own. Otherwise, I am going to have to go buy something (in a larger size). I'd like to puke at that thought.

So, that being said, I think I will take Cooper for a long walk.

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